Mother-Driver School Bus Conferences

It seems like lately, every mother is having a 5-minute conference with the school bus driver every time her child boards the school bus.

It is hard for me to believe that every day they have such important matters to discuss that it justifies holding up traffic.  The school bus laws that prohibit passing a school bus in either direction while children are boarding are important for the safety of our children.  These parents seem to be abusing the law for frivolous reasons and they appear to be inconsiderate and totally oblivious to the world around them.

In some ways, it reminds me of people talking loudly about unimportant chatter on their cell phones (especially with Bluetooth devices) in confined public places like restaurants, totally unconcerned with the noise pollution they create.

The other day one bus stopped 5 times within 5 blocks with each stop taking about 30 seconds for the child to board the bus and another 4 1/2 minutes for the mother- driver conference/conversation.

I know it has been a long time since my kids were school age, but am I missing something here?  Is there some valid reason I don’t know about to explain this behavior?

And what about the drivers?  Aren’t they instructed in how to deal with parents who won’t stop talking and who are tying them up?  They also should know better.


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